It’s been pretty busy so far this year and although I started with good intentions to update my blog regularly, unfortunately due to me SEO’ing my Etsy shop into an uncontrollable monster, alongside mass redundancies and the General Election at my Real Work, 2017 has kind of run away with me once again. Blogging regularily, can be very difficult for me, I have no real control over my workload and to be honest there is no guaranteed routine in my life. I’ve decided to try not to beat myself up about it and in the future post whenever I can. Sometimes it will a brief review and other times a longer news catch up. I’m sure this irregularity goes against the golden rules of successful blogging, but it’s just the way my life is, and therefore the way it’s gotta be.

and now after that… THE WEEKS REAL NEWS

Last week I was a very lucky girl, as my best friend J took me to TRNSMT festival in Glasgow. I got to experience something truly worthy of being on anyone’s bucket list – being backstage and looking out on the crowd (whilst hiding behind a speaker so no-one could see me),

It must be truly humbling (and maybe a bit terrifying) to see such a huge sea of people gathered together to enjoy music that you are responsible for creating, and I was very proud of my friend R as he played the drums to thousands of fans, It was a great night and a well needed reminder to myself of how fun and exciting life can be, (if you let it).

We’re all so caught up in running around, being stressed up to the eyeballs, and making things as impossibly difficult for ourselves as we can. To add to this, I also like to regularly beat myself up about the fate of the environment, politics, the actions of others, the size of my washing mountain and the state of the hall carpet (but strangely, very rarely the state of my hair).

I need to fill my life with experiences, something i quite often forget when caught up in the general melee for existence. Life is worth so much more than worrying constantly about work, chores and inanimate objects and I really hope I can try and remember this in the future. This was a truly remarkable once in a lifetime experience, and something I will never forget. It’s inspired me to start making sure I create more memorable moments, (inbetween all the washing loads and the neverending cleaning of the bathroom).

Being at the festival and feeling so excited and moved by some outstanding band performances has been the kick up the butt I needed to remember myself and to try and reclaim some of the old me. I used to live for the record shop Monday treasure hunt, going to gigs and discovering the newest (or rather the obscurest ) bands I could . Thank goodness last Friday reminded me of who I was, and who I still am (somewhere in there).

Lets hope something in me has changed for the good and I start living my life with some real (or at least half) purpose.

Big thanks to J&R for having me in your entourage.

Viva La Vida
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